You are the light of the world… Let your light shine before others! (Matt 5:14-16)

Oregon City Nazarene
Sunday Schedule
Discipleship Classes for all ages from 9:30-10:30
Fellowship (Coffee and Cookies) 9:30-10:30
Sunday Service Times:
Spanish Worship Service 9:30am Hohn Hall
Family Worship 10:45am in-person & Facebook Live

Here at OC Nazarene we value…
God and others. Grace over guilt. Truth with kindness. Serving sacrificially. Biblical teaching. Intentional relationships. The next generations.
Midweek Activities
Wednesday Adult Bible Study 6:00pm in the sanctuary
Wednesday Youth Group 6-7:30pm (youth center is located below the gym)
Wednesday Children’s Ministry 6-7pm in the gym
Adoración en Español Domingo 9:30am y Miercoles 6pm Salon 206

Come as you are… Don’t worry about dressing to impress. We’d rather you just come as you are- whether you’re in jeans, khakis, a jacket or flannel, you’ll fit right in.
Services are live streamed via our facebook page, you can also view the library of past services: